Basic Info, Cost, Tax Rebate, and Green Energy Practices
How did we get here, and Where will we Go?
For centuries, human actions have been the cause of the long-term alteration of temperature, pollution, and typical weather patterns on Earth; the larger phenomenon we call climate change. These harmful human activities include the burning of fossil fuels as a primary energy source, along with deforestation and industrialization. From global warming, to rising sea levels, to new and extreme weather events, it is clear that the future of our planet is in jeopardy. This is why it is critical that we, as global citizens, adopt new practices to combat climate change. One extremely important solution is the transition from fossil fuels to green energy sources. By generating necessary electricity without harmful greenhouse gas emissions, green energy, as well as lowering our overall energy consumption, allows us to reduce our environmental impact and play our part in saving our planet. To learn about how you can learn to go green with your home choices refer to the learning availiable below.
What's the Why?
There are many statistics in relation to the environment that can be found all over the internet. Some show signs of a brighter tommorow others paint a disheartning picture of the future to come. However, all of these stats allow us to view the world where it's at environmentally, allowing us a people to help craft a more environmentally friendly tommorow. Click here to view some statistics
Where to learn More?
This website delivers the general need to know information for going green with your home; yet, having all info about going green would be impossible to store all on one website. So check out these helpful resources to learn more.
What Can I do?
Here find attainable and effective actions you as homeowner can take to reduce your climate impacts through green energy. Specifically, the options for solutions on our website are of varying costs and commitment levels to implement. We are determined to be adamant about the fact that reducing carbon footprint is an attainable goal for individuals at every socioeconomic level, and to introduce realistic individual solutions. Through DIY (Do It Yourself) options, we can improve your ability to take part in real change. Click here to view posible green options for your home.
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